A trainee..always be atrainee.. a volunteer always been a volunteer..

Since now its been a while I never jot down in this diaries.. Its almost been the fourth week that I been praktikal at Wisma Genting, in ESI department in MST section( Microsoft Technology ). My task is about the sytem administration, but for now I have done the "Daily Verification Checklist IP Store" and List Of Server.. some how its so fun to heard.. kind of reseacrh to find answer..but after go through my eyes become tired and blur because of the screen lighting.. what Melayu said"silau, silaulah.." hehehe

~BM mode~
bru feel lebih sikit..hehe Kat sini semua majoriti Cina, my superior Mr.D, is an Indian guy.. eh English lak.. BM la.. dia India sometime aku takut gak ngan dia tapi sebenarnya dia friendly.. bila stress or dia byk kerja tak berani aku nak tegur.. And there is MR M.. very nice and havoc person.. org pertama yg berkawan dgn aku.. A chinese Guys.. merangkap asst superior aku.. dia ok and fun and byk beri aku tunjuk ajar.. for now..graduan dari sebuah kolej swasta jurusan sama dgn aku ICT.. tapi of course lah dia lg bijak and byk pengalaman dr aku,umur muda dr aku,Oklah dapat kwn yg around2 sebaya dr aku.. masa besday dia 2weeks before aku bg di acoklat as being nice.. lgpun dia cute r gak.. heheh k aku dh merewang aku just anggap dia superior and adik.. yg menarik maksud nama china dia ialah "Kawan yg baik" nice kan? akU MASIH MAHU BELAJAR DAN BUDAK BRU BELAJAR..

~~GPTD -Volunteer~~ semalam pi pnjt bukit BROGA..sempena SAKTI v khas.. one word only.. SERONOKNYA>>> :) dpt riadah tapi agak kepenatan sebab kena pindah bilik dan mengangkut semua barang, agak Rush Hour cox kena berkejaran dr ABIM- UIA, maklumlah AJK makanan kena ada setiap masa.. klu tak lapar r semua org.. ONE word Alhamdulilah semua berjalan lancar.. sekian Misi rahmatan lil Alamin.. berjalan lagi.. the words for today: "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. (S. Hawking )"


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